OK, ladies – let’s get real. I know you’re feeling totally overwhelmed, spinning a hundred plates,...
Help with changing habits
Burnout and women: how to protect yourself from burning out
There is a crisis in the workplace and it’s something that should concern every single one of us....
Exams are a huge source of anxiety – and not only for the kids who are taking them. I’m seeing...
How to raise healthy, happy kids: 25 lessons I’ve learnt in 25 years as a mum
Now that my eldest son has celebrated his 25th birthday, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learnt...
How to create healthy habits…and actually stick to them!
Have you ever promised yourself that you’d adopt healthier habits…and then got frustrated with...
All that glitters is not Gwyneth Paltrow
How did you feel when you saw Gwyneth Paltrow’s 50th birthday photos (where she’s dressed only in...
Things I learnt in 5 weeks off social media
Do you ever feel battered down from the relentless pressure of feeding the ever-hungry beast that...
Here’s Debs Davies talking about her weight loss and journey back to health and self-esteem. She...
The power of small lifestyle changes
If you think that it’s too difficult/time-consuming/expensive to get healthy, think again! The...
a group of NHS hospital staff get support in changing their lifestyle
Watch what happens when a group of NHS hospital staff get support in changing their lifestyle....
How to conquer lockdown lethargy
As the lockdown drags on, I’m hearing more and more people saying that they are struggling to get...
When a bird pooed on my head
So, there I was: dressed up in my Saturday best, walking to synagogue last week, when something...
Who do you think you’re talking to?
I grew up as a child in the 1970s – back in the days when changing a record took a bit of time and...
This is who helps me get my trainers on!
It seems like every week the chatter about healthy eating moves up another notch. Sometimes it can...
The end of my affair
I’ve just worked out that it’s been exactly 160 days since I called time on the longest-running...
Why I’m guilty as charged
I was rudely awoken this morning by much screeching from downstairs in the kitchen. It quickly...
How I overcame self-sabotage and shame – and how you can too
I’m delighted to bring you a guest blog from a very special lady called Jenny. She’s not a doctor,...
Summer sale: save up to 50% on your wellness!
Oooh, we all just love a saving, don’t we? Especially a nice, big one. Well, listen up because...