I’m Suzy, a Certified Health Coach
I’ve transformed my health and wellbeing – and I’d like to help you transform yours.
Hi, I’m Suzy Glaskie
My previous career in PR gave me first-hand experience of burn-out. When things were at their worst, I was frighteningly underweight, exhausted and constantly ill. My Dad’s death in 2011 was the catalyst for me to embrace a new career: one that aligns with my values and my passion for helping people to reclaim their wellbeing.

A personal health journey
passion for holistic health
My training has taught me the far-reaching effects of emotional blocks on our wellbeing – and how to help people to shift them. Having started a very long way from where I am now, I feel truly privileged to be doing work that changes lives.
When I stumbled across health coaching, it was love at first sight. Studying preventative health and mind-body medicine, I knew I’d found my role in life. I trained with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy – the gold standard in health coach training and the only programme designed in collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine.

A fresh start
finding my role in life
A brighter future is waiting for you: are you ready for it?