Corporate Wellness COACHING

Boost your team’s wellbeing and productivity.

Here are some of the organisations I’ve worked with:

Do you aim to be a transformational
leader who supports and empowers your team?

Improved wellbeing is good for business

69% of office workers would like their employer to do more to help with their health and wellbeing (Source: Vitality and CBI Economics).

There is an expectation today that you have a responsibility for keeping your staff healthy. But it’s not all one way: the benefits and return on investment are high.

Here’s what corporate wellness can do for you

When you invest in your team’s wellbeing, you’ll improve these key metrics:


Attraction and retention of talent
Reduction of recruitment and absentee costs

You Will:

Build a truly aspirational brand with strong values and culture
Create an organisational environment in which your team can thrive
Increase colleague and customer interactions and satisfaction
Fulfil ESG obligations
Employers see a return of £5.30 on average for every £1 invested in staff wellbeing.

Source: Deloitte

From the 28% of employees who left their jobs in 2022, 61% cited poor mental health as their reason for leaving.

Source: Deloitte

Since the pandemic, the UK is suffering from a ‘sickness explosion’, with an unprecedented 185 million days lost last year.

Prevention has always been better than cure.


Having spent over two decades ensconced in the corporate world, I know how stress, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle impact on health and productivity.

Rates of depression across all sectors of our workforce are rocketing. The number of employees taking long-term absence with stress-induced conditions is at an all-time high.

Having suffered burnout in my previous career, my passion now is empowering people to thrive – and businesses to flourish.

In addition to bespoke corporate health coaching programmes, I offer stand-alone workshops – either delivered at your offices or remotely.

Have a watch of this video to see typical results after a 4-week programme of lunch ‘n learn workshops.

Positive change in the workforce

How You Can Work With Me:

Peppermint Infusion

A 90-minute, interactive workshop to empower your team to take control of their own wellbeing.

Choose from a selection of topics:

Simple techniques to manage stress/anxiety.
How to eat to boost your energy/emotional resilience/mental focus.
How to get better sleep so you arrive at work energised and focused.

Establishing work/life balance so you can switch off from work and come back refreshed.

Building creativity/flow into your day to enhance productivity at work and your wellbeing.

How to keep well through the winter months and slash your sick days.

Navigating the perimenopause and menopause to thrive through this period.

Find a health and wellness coach - Suzy Glaskie Peppermint Wellness
Peppermint Wellness - Suzy Glaskie - Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Peppermint Pro

A transformative 3-month programme that will radically improve your team’s wellbeing, positivity, energy levels and motivation.

Over a period of 12 weeks, your team will gain a complete toolkit that will empower them to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. One workshop will be held every two weeks, ensuring cumulative gains and leading to sustained behaviour change.

The workshops are:

Simple techniques to manage stress/anxiety.
How to eat to boost your energy/emotional resilience/mental focus.
How to get better sleep so you arrive at work energised and focused.
Establishing work/life balance so you can switch off from work and come back refreshed.
Practical ways to build energising movement into your working day.

Building creativity/flow into your day to enhance productivity at work and your wellbeing.

Peppermint Cream

A bespoke 6-month wellness programme tailored to your needs. In addition to a monthly workshop with me, all participants will have access to a dedicated community forum which I will create and manage on the platform of your choice.

This will be a motivating, positive space where they will be encouraged to post their progress, wins and queries. I will be cheerleading them continuously, setting them challenges and supporting them through the process of behaviour change. As well as my own encouragement, they will benefit from the power of peer-to-peer support, which I will facilitate and encourage.



In addition, all participants will have access to my Wellness Unwrapped app which includes:

Bite-sized, easy-to-follow videos.

Guided self-calming practices.

Habit trackers to track their progress.

People are the lifeforce of any business. It makes sense to look after your most precious asset.

White paper

The Future of work

I recently contributed to a White Paper on the future of work, which spells out how central wellbeing is to corporate success.

Put simply, a happier, healthier workforce allows companies to function at their competitive best. It’s a win-win solution: a healthier workforce makes for a healthier bottom line.

Corporate wellness

Book a call

To find out more about how I can help your organisation.