One-to-One Health Coaching
Does this ring any bells?
You’re beating yourself up for not doing better at caring for your own wellbeing.

I know you might not believe this right now, but a brighter, lighter future is waiting for you.
It’s my passion in life to help people who are dragging themselves through each day on rock-bottom energy. People who are overstretched, overburdened and weighed down further with a checklist of life-sapping symptoms. Low mood. Brain fog. Bloating. Skin problems. Anxiety. Exhaustion. Belly fat. Joint pain. Sleep problems. Poor digestion. And the list goes on.

Debs Davies
“Before I started seeing Suzy, I was struggling in every area of my life. I was overweight, bloated, anxious, burnt-out, struggling to sleep and I suffered from headaches every single day. Working with Suzy has been nothing less than transformational. With her support, I’ve lost three stone, I’m no longer bloated, I’m sleeping better and the anxiety has gone. I feel like me again – and that feels amazing.”

You are not stuck – even if it feels that way
I know there’s so much “stuff” spinning around your head. It seems like life is hurtling past you at a million miles an hour. It feels like you’re carrying the world on your shoulders.
You do NOT have to stay stuck on that hamster wheel, feeling bone tired and jaded about the next 40 or 50 years that lie ahead.
It breaks my heart to hear people telling themselves unkind things like, “I always fail” and, “I’ll never be able to change”. I know how demoralising it can be when you’ve bought all the books and tried all the things and you still keep finding yourself back at square one. And you inevitably think there is something at fault with YOU. This is just not true.
I believe in you – and helping you to unleash your true, vibrant health is what gets me out of bed.

Carole Nash OBE
You deserve to feel well
It’s time to recognise this: it’s vital for everyone in your life that you start looking after yourself. You can find that elusive calm and start to weather the storms life throws at you with grace. You can gain confidence in your own emotional resilience. And the ripple effect that this will have for your partner, children and colleagues will be huge.
You deserve to feel as good as you possibly can. I’m here to help you to unpick all those years of fulfilling everyone else’s needs and expectations before thinking of your own. It’s my mission to help you to live more healthfully: ditching that sagging feeling that has kept you stuck for too long.
This is about so much more than not getting sick. It’s so much more than feeling lighter or shifting that sluggishness. It’s about you thriving and finally feeling vibrantly well, by taking control of your health.
And it’s not just about getting healthy. It’s about what you want to do with that health. That’s where the magic lies.

Andrew Cuckill

“Suzy is so warm and supportive, and genuinely acts as a cheerleader in your life. I couldn’t have asked for a more lovely person to be my health champion.”
Greer O’Brien
The Peppermint Refresh 6-Month Programme
one-to-one health coaching programme
My Peppermint Renewal Programme is a transformational, one-to-one coaching programme which brings about genuine, lasting change. The programme is entirely bespoke to you, your life and your needs.
Over six months, you and I will work together to help you to uncover your healthiest, happiest self. I will be your guide along the journey of changing your heath, your mindset – and your life.
How it works
Investment: £1,500 (payment plans are available)

Dr Sarah Davies
“Suzy has the gift of making seemingly insurmountable barriers approachable and can help you to tackle whatever is blocking you from being well. I couldn’t recommend her more highly.”
one-to-One health coaching