Let’s be honest: gossip and negative speech are everywhere. Everyone does it, so it feels...
How To Look After Your Wellbeing When You Feel Like a Hot Mess
OK, ladies – let’s get real. I know you’re feeling totally overwhelmed, spinning a hundred plates,...
On Valentine’s Day (and every day!): 6 simple ways to Cultivate self-love
It’s Valentine’s Day today and, ho-hum, I can’t say I’m a fan. I’m deeply sceptical about the slew...
Burnout and women: how to protect yourself from burning out
There is a crisis in the workplace and it’s something that should concern every single one of us....
Exams are a huge source of anxiety – and not only for the kids who are taking them. I’m seeing...
How to raise healthy, happy kids: 25 lessons I’ve learnt in 25 years as a mum
Now that my eldest son has celebrated his 25th birthday, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learnt...
How to create healthy habits…and actually stick to them!
Have you ever promised yourself that you’d adopt healthier habits…and then got frustrated with...
As a health coach, one of the biggest mistakes I see people making day in and day out is with...
Midlife and blood sugar: what happened when I tried a blood glucose monitor
One of the biggest revelations to have hit me when I retrained as a health coach was this: my life...
5 Ways to Fight Off a Cold
Now we’re well into autumn, many of us are being struck down by colds…and not just any old,...
My Middle-Eastern spiced carrot salad
Having grown up in a Lebanese-influenced home, I adore za’atar and happily eat it with pretty much...
All that glitters is not Gwyneth Paltrow
How did you feel when you saw Gwyneth Paltrow’s 50th birthday photos (where she’s dressed only in...
Things I learnt in 5 weeks off social media
Do you ever feel battered down from the relentless pressure of feeding the ever-hungry beast that...
How food can help you to navigate the menopause
It's not news to most women that their bodies can be ruled by their hormones! But what is less...
How limiting beliefs are sabotaging you
Did you know that there is probably an invisible force-field holding you back…without you even...
The Healing Power Of Colour (And How To Get More In Your Life)
Have you ever thought of colour as medicine? We tend to dismiss colours as something only...
A healthy you starts with a healthy gut!
Ever more research is showing that, in order for us to be healthy (and happy), we need to look...
Why we need to put our own wellbeing first!
Have you ever found yourself ignoring what your body is telling you and, instead, forced yourself...