Let’s be honest: gossip and negative speech are everywhere. Everyone does it, so it feels...
Personal Growth
On Valentine’s Day (and every day!): 6 simple ways to Cultivate self-love
It’s Valentine’s Day today and, ho-hum, I can’t say I’m a fan. I’m deeply sceptical about the slew...
How limiting beliefs are sabotaging you
Did you know that there is probably an invisible force-field holding you back…without you even...
The Healing Power Of Colour (And How To Get More In Your Life)
Have you ever thought of colour as medicine? We tend to dismiss colours as something only...
A healthy you starts with a healthy gut!
Ever more research is showing that, in order for us to be healthy (and happy), we need to look...
Why we need to put our own wellbeing first!
Have you ever found yourself ignoring what your body is telling you and, instead, forced yourself...
Are psychedelic drugs the route to self-fulfillment and happiness?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been staunchly, vehemently against drugs. So it came as...
Discover what your top character strengths are
Even without the help of a global pandemic, human nature pushes us to dwell on the negative. We’re...
My No. 1 bedtime habit for staying calm through the Corona crisis
Is the coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc on your sleep? You'd be in good company if so. So many...
Guest blog: the woman who lost herself….and found herself again
I'm delighted to hand over the reins for this blog to Debs Davies - a lady who has inspired me...
Who do you think you’re talking to?
I grew up as a child in the 1970s – back in the days when changing a record took a bit of time and...
What being caught speeding taught me
Last week, I attended a speed awareness course. For the third time. I was caught doing 37mph on a...
The one question you need to ask yourself today
We human beings are pretty good at procrastinating aren’t we? Yes, we entertain vague plans of...
So…this is how much of a sheep I am
Did you hear about the recent furore on BBC 4’s Today Programme? It seems that listeners have been...
I’m delighted to bring you a guest blog by Kelsey Paul, an expert in mindfulness who I admire very...
How I overcame self-sabotage and shame – and how you can too
I’m delighted to bring you a guest blog from a very special lady called Jenny. She’s not a doctor,...
Want to know how to get more done in a day with less stress?
Hands up if you’d describe your schedule as busy. Let me guess: you have an ever-expanding things...
A life-transforming lesson from two fingers
One of the perks of being a health coach is the fact that I’m constantly inspired and humbled by...