Corporate Wellness COACHING

Boost your team’s wellbeing and productivity.

Corporate Wellness

Improved wellbeing is good for business

Having spent over two decades ensconced in the corporate world, I know how stress, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle impact on health and productivity.

Rates of depression across all sectors of our workforce are rocketing and the number of employees taking long-term absence with stress-induced conditions is at an all-time high.

Have a watch of this video to see typical results after a 4-week programme of lunch ‘n learn workshops.

Watch how staff at retailer TJ Morris felt their energy and focus transformed after a single, 2.5 hour wellness workshop.

Laura Piggin

Senior Business Manager, Santander
“We thought the content was fantastic. What really stood out was not only your knowledge of this subject, but your willingness to share your personal experience, which colleagues could very easily relate to. Your openness enabled colleagues to feel comfortable sharing their own stories.”

Your team members might be:

Overwhelmed by the daily pressures of their job

Finding it difficult to get on top of their workload and feeling constantly behind

Using coffee and junk food as a crutch to get through the day

Suffering from anxiety and/or depression
Struggling to switch off at home and checking emails late at night
Having difficulty sleeping and feeling constantly exhausted
Self-medicating with alcohol, sugar, Netflix, social media or gaming
Seeing their homelife and relationships being eroded due to work stress
The smartest companies know that investing in their team’s wellbeing leads to enhanced business performance.
White paper

The Future of work

I recently contributed to a White Paper on the future of work, which spells out how central wellbeing is to corporate success.

Put simply, a happier, healthier workforce allows companies to function at their competitive best. It’s a win-win solution: a healthier workforce makes for a healthier bottom line.

Positive change in the workforce

Advantages for your company

Here are some of the advantages your company can achieve through corporate wellness coaching:

Higher energy, more focused employees with improved mental clarity
Reduced stress, anxiety and mood swings
Greater productivity
Improved loyalty and retention

A more positive, relaxed workplace with higher morale

Reduced absenteeism due to overall better health
Lower healthcare costs
Find a health and wellness coach - Suzy Glaskie Peppermint Wellness

How I can help

In addition to bespoke corporate health coaching programmes, I offer stand-alone workshops – either delivered at your offices or via a webinar. Just some of the things I teach are:

Quick, easy and effective stress-reducing techniques that can be used at work
How to eat to maintain energy levels, mental focus and emotional resilience
How to improve sleep
How to manage anxiety
How to establish a work-life balance

Corporate wellness

Book a call

To find out more about how I can help your organisation.